Thursday, April 5, 2007

A Surprise Free Day

This afternoon when I showed up for chemo #3 with a fabulous new handbag, the oncology nurse acted surprised to see me even though the calendar she made for me stated today was C-day. I reschedued for tomorrow, so I get a free day, so to say.

I did get to see my oncologist, and he was VERY happy with the reduction of my tumors. I will take a CAT scan soon after chemo #4 on April 19, and will visit with him on May 3 to discuss if I will have surgery or 12 weeks of Taxol/Herpectin treatment first. I'll keep you updated.

For a pick-me-up after the appointment, my friend and I went to the OKC National Memorial and Museum. This was the sight of the Murrah Building bombing on April 19, 1995. It didn't work for the pick-me-up, but I haven't gone to the museum since it opened even though I've lived here since its opening. I did get a picture taken next to the Suvivor Tree, and as soon as I get motivated to figure out pictures, I will post it. If you are not familiar with the Survivor Tree, it is an elm that was very close to the blast caused terrible damage, but lives on with the scars from the blast. It is a symbol of hope for all touched by the bombing, even those like me who watched the carnage on the news.

So chemo tomorrow and I'll be one chemo closer to my cure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Better be.
Love, Shelly