Thursday, May 10, 2007

Introducing Angel

Here is the promised picture of Angel. She's a goof-ball, so she is fitting in very well with us.
Last weekend, we mainly cleaned out all the stuff I've been storing in what is now Angel's room. I found a home for the majority of it, but will need to find a home for the rest. Monday I got to teach Angel how to peel and de-vein shrimp for scampi. Tuesday I vegged, and Wednesday I finally felt well enough to do some gardening. My pansies are starting to show stress from the heat. I love them for their color during the winter, so it is hard for me to dig them up. Instead I decided to plant my summer seeds in around the pansies. I planted heat and drought tolerant seeds like cone flower, zinnia, and cosmos. The lantana that was by the front door last summer is coming back. It loves the heat, too. I can't wait for more flowers! We need to plant some grass, and soon! We're being attacked by weeds and clover!

Today I will need to cut my nails down as far as I can stand. It will be the shortest they have been since I stopped chewing my nails in college. One of the side effects of taxotere is that my finger and toe nails will loosen from the nail bed and may fall off. If my nails short it will keep the nails from getting caught on anything and the total nail coming off (ouch!).


Becky said...

Wow! I can't decided which of you she looks like!! But how cool... she's potty trained, dresses herself, and feeds herself and doesn't require 24 hr care. I'm gonna have my next kid like that! Congratulations Amy, you deserve good things.
God Bless you,

Ruth said...

Congratulations Mom! Your new daughter is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I think she looks like me.

Love, Shelly