Thursday, June 21, 2007

Last Taxotere today!!!

Angel at Chili's.

Cancer, you picked the wrong woman. The scar on my right shoulder area is where my port is located.

Lexie catching.

Today will be my last chemo, then I will only have to have infusions every three weeks of Herceptin. Good news on the last Taxotere is that I will not have to have the Neulasta shot that makes me hurt so much either since the white blood cell counts will not have to go up before my next chemo. Yippee!!! It's weird what I get excited about these days, huh?

My hair is still growing in, as well as my fingernails. I get my tough nails from my Grandma Gressett who always had beautiful nails...and she was tough as nails. I hope I got more than the tough nails from her. I'm going to have to go to the salon to cut them down. I usually file to keep them from going so long on me, but filing kind of hurts right now.

We're still busy going to Lexie's softball games. In the double-elimination tournament, her team has won one, lost one. I'll try to add a good picture of her catching on this blog.

Angel is becoming a normal teenager. She's out of the house more than she's home now that she is ungrounded. She is working two jobs at this time...she babysits two days a week and then she is the "host boss" at Chili's. I am very proud of her and the responsibility that they have given her there.

Chris is slugging it away at summer school. His second class of the day that he has for 2 1/2 hours has been giving him major headaches, but he has been able to pull in the reigns on them so that he doesn't come home mad every day.


Anonymous said...

Amy, I love all of the pictures!! You look very good and not so tired. Call me if you need anything.I am in the phone book.
Call me even if you don't need anything.

Love all of you!!!!!!


Ruth said...

WOOHOOOO!!!! Last Taxotere!!! I am so happy for you. I'm glad we were able to share this journey together, weird as it is.

Becky said...

The makeup looks great and so do you. WTG!