Eleven down, 26 to go. I noticed my skin turning red yesterday and I started to feel the burn today. I went to my radiation treatment in a good rain so the drive wasn't as irritating today. I love rain and love thunderstorms.
Every Wednesday, I am X-Ray-ed to make sure I am getting the radiation treatment to the correct places. My radiation treatment is in a lead room (don't lick the walls) so there is no radio, but they have CD's that they play. For the last week the same Beatles CD has been playing, and since I'm the first treatment of the day it has been the same three songs. I teased the techs that they were going to ruin the Beatles for me so I was serenaded by the the Black Eyed Peas today. I am finally getting in a comfortable place during my treatment and know where to place my behind and how to put my arm up so it lands in the correct place.
If you have lifted up my uncle Ray in prayers I want to thank you. He may get to (finally) go home tomorrow. Stupid cancer.
5 years ago