Yes, that is a line from Douglas Adams, but that is what I keep repeating to myself during the last week. After my implant was inserted, I was given instructions to massage the implant to keep keloid scars from forming around the implant and creating a FrankenFoobie... I think I'm to do that about once a week, I remember at least once a month. I was doing the massage and felt a definate lump. I brought Chris over, and he felt it, too. Four letter words immediately started running through my mind, and after a very restless night sleep, I called my oncology nurse to "feel me up." That is how I put it...I've had more hands on my chest since my diagnosis than my whole life... Anyway, she didn't like it and sent me to my surgeon's office. My surgeon was out, but her nurse didn't like it either, and made an appointment to see Dr. C the following Tuesday. Dr. C's immediate reaction was "it's coming out!" So much for not panicing. Just in case, she sent me for a mammogram and ultra sound to make sure it wansn't a cyst. It wasn' now I'm preparing for surgery number six tomorrow morning. The only thing I'm really hating about this is that I have to miss school tomorrow. I'm not nervous about the surgery because my surgeon is a surgical rock star. I'm not too nervous about the results of the biopsy of the mass because there IS a chance it could be benign, and there is no reason to worry about something I don't know about yet.
Well, off to bed...I'm going to cheat and take a couple of Tylenol PM to get a good rest. The surgery isn't scheduled until 11AM, but I have to be there by 7:30 because Dr. C can "sometimes get ahead of herself."
5 years ago
Love you! I hate not being closer, when you feel up to it let me know how you are doing. Take it easy. Love ya, Toni:)
Still waiting for those "B9" results.....
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