Friday, January 4, 2008


That is the only word I can think of. I spent a week home in Amarillo and it took another week to recover from it. The trip was great. I didn't get the pictures in order but the pics are from Caddy Ranch and Christmas morning.
I haven't been up to lots lately. I DID have a problem at the dentist earlier this week and wasn't able to get my teeth cleaned because I had a port. I have to wait three more months to get the cleaning. The good news is that I did get a check-up and still have no cavities. I have to thank my aunt who has gone through chemo already and sent some wonderful toothpaste that helped tremendously. Because I will always have the port, I will need to take an antibiotic an hour before each cleaning. I think it is being overly careful, but my thinking that didn't help me get my way...oh, well.
One thing I did for myself is get my first "big girl" haircut. As the ladies on my message board put it, the back of my head resembled a sheep's arse and the sides resembled Ronald McDonald.
I wish I had wonderful and profound things to share, but I am truly happy to announce that my life has become boring again. I still have doctor appointments and take WAY too many prescriptions for someone my age, but my life is no longer consumed by cancer. I still get exhausted too easily, but that will pass. I am alive and doing well. Well, I'm off to read in my last student-free weekend before the second semester.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Boring is good, my friend. Definitely take the antibiotics before you get those teeth cleaned!