Saturday, June 21, 2008


This is my first summer in my adult life that I haven't been dealing with medical issues or working or going to school. I thought I'd be going out of my mind without something to do, but I'm having a blast!

I got to go to Florida to see my best friend and saw the Lion King Show and dolphins just off the beach. I also got to sit around a pool and be lazy. Lexie has been playing softball and it has been fun going to her games. Last night in the end-of-season tournament, her team beat an undefeated team. It was so much fun to see her team step up and have fun playing ball and taking names.

I'm also walking. When I don't think I can walk any more, I'll push myself just thinking "I hate cancer, I hate cancer, I hate cancer." The three day walk is an undertaking.

Oh, the pictures...the first is of a turtle nest on a beach. I just thought it was cool. The second is my best friend's daughter, Skyler. This kid is scary smart, and I can see so much of her Mom and Dad in her. It is weird, because I've known both of them for almost 20 years...along with both of their college stories. If I didn't love them so much, I could make her teen years so easy on her...

Control has been a life long issue with me.
When I was diagnosed with something completely beyond my control, when my own body betrayed me, I had to change my mindset or go crazy. (I am very talented at the crazies, by the way)
I had to make a decision that I was going to practice life, because I don't know how much life I have left. I could easily drop into thoughts of death, and I do...but without fear. I've just made decisions about end of life issues, and then let the thoughts go.
Do I ever get scared? Hell, yes...but I have to let it go or the fear will consume me.
I don't let things go on my own...I have to ask God, and then allow Him to help. It isn't easy because I want to be in control over something I have absolutely no control over...DUH!
I have nothing else to add, just that this has stirred up some thoughts in my little head.