Thursday, February 14, 2008

1st Cancerversary

Tomorrow will be the one year "cancerversary" of the date I first heard the words "you have cancer." A year ago tonight I already KNEW it was cancer becasue the ladies who monitored the MRI were TOO nice to me. In some ways it seems like yesterday, then in some ways it seems like ages ago. I wish I had wonderful words of wisdom to convey or some form of inspiration, but the only thing I can think is that I don't want any more cancer statistics unless it involves the C work...CURE!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Amy :)
We share the same Cancerversary! I, like you, think that in many ways it seems like yesterday and in others it has flown by.

Here's to many more! Take care!
Blessingsabound YSC

Unknown said...

Happy Cancerversary Amy! Here's to many many more!